5 Tips to bridge the gap between HE applications & conversion (with examples)

July 9, 2024

Ridhima Chatterjee

The funnels giveth and the funnels taketh away. When it comes to international student recruitment, the journey from applications to conversions can be like riding a rollercoaster with blindfolds on. You hold on with the hope that a bolt won’t unscrew itself and that ultimately, the ride will have a safe landing. Not always. 

Sometimes, the applications flood through the letterbox, raining down the chimney, and even shoved through the doggy door. But what of actual deposits secured? What of enrollment numbers? The deluge of applications may be impressive, but only a trickle will convert into confirmed enrollment. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can bridge this gap between applications and conversion, similar to the results we’ve been able to achieve for universities across the globe. 

Here’s a quick look at the key highlights:

  1. Conversion factors post-admission and how you can give students the nudges needed to enroll
  2. Understanding recruitment unpredictability with an example from Trinity College Dublin
  3. The multiple points of contact needed to secure a conversion 
  4. The role of student ambassadors in influencing enrollment
  5. What is an ‘inquiry experience’ and the importance of speed 

Ready, set, let’s get those international lead(ers) to convert! 

1. Which post-admission factors matter?

According to Keystone’s 2023 Student Recruitment Report, 47.9% of prospective international students apply to 2-3 different schools. 22.1% go on to apply to 4-7 schools and 12% apply to more than 7 schools. Tough competition? You bet. These savvy students understand that their university research doesn’t end with an application. Some of them might scope you out for a few months before making a decision.

According to the same report, conversion factors post-admission include financial, academic, social, support, geographic, and graduate outcome considerations. Social factors and support are pivotal during this period, with word of mouth, community, and responsiveness playing key roles.

Pro tip: Take a long and hard look at your student personas and ensure email sequences sent are full of helpful information such as pre-program study materials, scholarship guides, and access to alum communities, student ambassadors, or one-on-one counseling. 

2. Recruitment unpredictability will always be a thing

Trinity College Dublin organized a pre-departure event in China expecting 200 attendees but had 8,000 participants, highlighting the unpredictability of student engagement. Lessons include the importance of the student voice, multiple points of contact, authenticity, transparency, and building a sense of belonging, especially post-admissions. 

Declan Coogan from Trinity said that factors influencing student decisions include rankings, geography, costs, and intangible elements like "gut instinct" or a feeling of belonging. The role of agents is also evolving, with agents serving as one-stop shops for students, assisting with admissions, housing, and financing.

3. Not one, not two, multiple touchpoints lead to a conversion

There isn't a singular point of contact for conversion; multiple messages contribute to students feeling supported and valued. Consider implementing an initiative where you survey admitted students who didn't enroll. Much like one that the University of Helsinki regularly applies. 

The different types of messages students receive from universities
The different types of messages students receive from universities

In the University of Helsinki survey, consistent findings show financial factors like cost of living and scholarship availability as top reasons for non-enrollment. Another key insight emphasized by the University of Helsinki is the significance of program-related factors such as rankings and program availability in hindering conversion. 

Their data consistently stressed the importance of student-to-student connections for authenticity in university messaging (hello, student ambassadors). 

4. How much can Student Ambassadors influence enrollment? 

According to a Unibuddy 2020 peer-to-peer survey, an impressive 65% of students applied to universities where they were able to chat with a student ambassador. The survey conducted in collaboration with institutional staff revealed that 85% of admissions professionals acknowledged the positive impact of student-to-student communication on engaging prospective students.

Gen Z students expressed the following preferences regarding when they would find it most beneficial to engage with other students: 

  • When they are narrowing down a list of schools to apply to
  • When they are making a final decision
  • At the research stage
  • During the period between enrolment and orientation
  • Writing applications

Students specifically referenced ambassadors’ unique and honest perspectives on academics, student life, and local culture as influential to their university selection process. 

Here’s a look at the global numbers:

Africa: 69% of students enrolled after speaking to an ambassador
: 51% of students enrolled after speaking to an ambassador
: 62% of students enrolled after speaking to an ambassador

5. What is an ‘inquiry experience’ and the importance of speed 

Prospective students have a lot on their minds. Choosing a university, let alone a major is arguably one of the most important decisions that they will have to make at their age. The thing is - we all know this. We’re all vying for their attention. So what can you do? Maybe understanding the inquiry experience can help. 

Students who make inquiries before they apply, represent 17% of all enrollments. Moreover,  students experiencing “a great inquiry experience” accept admission offers more than twice as often as others (source: uniquest). But what happens when a student has a negative inquiry experience?

An Edified survey found that 93% of student mystery shoppers would not engage further with an institution after a negative inquiry experience. The most needed improvements were in response timeliness and follow-ups. While most mystery shoppers trusted responses (90%), only 40% found them warm and friendly.

Implementing these strategies can transform your international recruitment efforts from a rollercoaster ride into a smooth, successful journey.  Now, go forth and convert those international leads into thriving members of your student body. 

As education marketers who previously worked in academic institutions ourselves, we know just how much all of this data can it out of you. That’s why we offer universities a ‘Skip’ button called the Pink Print© – it’s your very own in-depth recruitment roadmap tailored to the institution and its specific roadblocks. You can contact us here to learn more. 

If you found this blog helpful, don’t forget to share the love by tagging us on LinkedIn with your thoughts. See you in the next one with more HE-nanigans and updates from the world of student recruitment!

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