Disruptors and innovators in education, pt. 1: Female-founded education companies

October 4, 2022

Katie Reynolds

We’re excited to launch the first in a series of blog posts, where we shine a spotlight on some incredibly inspirational and positively disruptive education companies and institutions. These are companies that we think are doing outstanding things for their students and the wider global community—companies that make us proud to be a part of this industry.

If you’re an education company, institution or school - and you believe that you’re a pioneer, a changemaker or a disruptor, then we want to feature you! Submit your contributions here to feature in one of our next articles.

Most of us agree, that the traditional approach to education is outdated. So at Pink Orange, we aim to help forward-looking institutions grow because these are the ones who are helping to educate and empower a new generation of purpose-driven leaders.

To start with, we’re celebrating three groundbreaking female-founded education companies: Juno College of Technology, Sextech School, and Future Females Business School.

The most rewarding part about working in education marketing is being part of an industry that is, overwhelmingly, a power for good. Every day we work with—and are inspired by—companies and institutions that are equipping their students with the knowledge and means to create a better future. A future that is more sustainable, more inclusive, and more equitable.

In a world that can feel full of bad news stories, we’re eager to shine a light on some of the businesses that fill us with hope for the future. In this first post of a series, we’re looking at female-led businesses and education companies that are changing the world, one innovative idea and the empowered, tech-savvy person at a time.

Juno College: The school of choice for people underrepresented in the tech industry

The forward-thinking Juno College of Technology was founded nearly a decade ago to teach in-demand tech skills to people looking to break into the industry. Formerly known as HackerYou, the company rebranded in 2019, named after the Roman goddess who was the protector of her community, particularly women and other minority groups. Founder and CEO Heather Payne felt this new name was the perfect fit for the school’s mission.

Disrupting a more traditional approach to education, Juno’s highly practical in-person and online courses focus on vocational skills and emerging careers in technology. Their bootcamp-style programs are designed for students, career-changers, and professionals often underrepresented in the industry. With a caring, diverse team of industry-expert instructors and a focus on inclusive and equitable practices, Juno is creating transformational, accessible, and best-in-class educational experiences.

Their hands-on courses are laser-focused on specific skills that make graduates highly employable, with options ranging from web development to data analytics and beyond. Since 2012, Juno has helped over 1,100 people launch a career in tech. And with constantly evolving courses also aimed at professionals, grads can continue to upskill at Juno through a wide range of part-time and full-time programs in a variety of tech-related subjects.

Although they’re studying cutting-edge of technology, students at Juno benefit from a human-centered, supportive approach, where they learn tech skills and soft skills in a “welcoming, hands-on environment that’s both focused and fun.” The college ensures that its student-to-staff ratio is always at least 10:1. This approach, along with extensive employer partnerships and specialized career support, means that Juno alumni achieve industry-leading graduate success.

Dedicated to making tech training accessible, the college launched Income Share Agreements in 2019, foregoing over $1 million in tuition to help even more students attend Juno—students who would have otherwise not been in a financial position to reach their educational and career goals.

Future Females Business School: Empowering entrepreneurial, business-minded women

Female entrepreneurship continues to be on the rise. And in a time when remote and flexible working is the new normal, the opportunities to launch businesses better suited to the needs of women are huge.

For women looking to start their own company or turn a side hustle into a viable full-time job, Future Females Business School offers a 10-week virtual accelerator to make entrepreneurial ambitions a reality. The school’s core mission is to equip ambitious female entrepreneurs with the confidence, skills, and community they need to succeed. Members master the fundamentals of building a profitable business on their own terms, with flexible course content that’s designed to fit into the schedules of women who might already be balancing their own businesses, families, and full-time work.

The practical curriculum is based on lean startup principles and is broken down into three phases: building, selling, and scaling. Where many programs are focused on learning, this business school is very much a doing program. Here, the understanding is that business is about taking action, so entrepreneurs are encouraged to implement their learning straight away—getting out and testing concepts rather than waiting for perfection.

Participants have a dedicated team to support them on their journey, with a program coordinator on hand and a business coach to give feedback and answer questions in weekly live sessions. Plus, in the spirit of building a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, there’s a bi-weekly Members Breakfast for women to connect virtually and learn from each other.

Co-founded by experienced businesswomen Lauren Dallas and Cerina Bezuidenhout, the ultimate aim of the program is to “help women build sustainable businesses, so they are able to leave their full-time jobs and build a lifestyle that works for them—whether they are a digital nomad, a mother or a serial entrepreneur looking to break the mold.” To date, over 1,800 entrepreneurs from across 18 countries have completed the course.

Join the waiting list to get notified as soon as applications to this life-altering accelerator are open: WAITLIST

Sextech School: Challenging taboos and tapping into a multi-billion dollar industry

If you think you know what Sextech School specializes in based on the name, you’re probably right. But what you might not know is that the sex tech industry represents a $30 billion market.

Sextech School is the first of its kind, with a 6-week online curriculum designed to launch careers and new businesses focused on technology and sexual well-being. Founded by Bryony Cole, an entrepreneur and world-leading expert on sextech, she says the goal of the school is to “support passionate, curious and driven individuals who are engaged in the pursuit of breakthrough sexual experiences and products all over the world.”

The program opened in June 2020 to offer the definitive course on the industry, teaching participants everything they need to know about building a career in sextech. With the support of Sextech School’s global community, participants learn to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by a still-stigmatized industry.

The extensive curriculum is broken down into four practical modules. Module 1 covers foundational industry knowledge, diving into a large and varied sector and the main sextech verticals. Module 2 is all about building a successful brand and reputation, and the potential difficulties of brand building in vice spaces. Module 3 covers community engagement—tapping into the existing sextech community, joining the conversation, and starting your own community. Module 4 prepares participants for building a business, considering business models with the unique challenges of sextech at the forefront, from pitching to manufacturing to advertising and beyond.

In addition to the innovative course content and extensive mentoring program, current and past members have access to a private online community platform to connect and share knowledge and opportunities.

Join the waitlist to get notified as soon as the cohort enrolls: WAITLIST

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