Edition 7

Cracking the marketing code with Psychology: Part 2

Written by
Ridhima &
Sep 1, 2023

In our last edition of (Ed)vertise, we deeply explored the Psychology of Marketing.

Now, as you can imagine, this is quite a hefty topic! With so much to discuss, we decided to break it into two installments.

Now that we’ve covered how Psychology can help you understand how consumers - particularly students behave, let’s explore some ways that marketers use these insights to increase student enrollment.

This is what you can expect from this month’s edition of (Ed)vertise:

🔮A look at the future of education marketing 

🏆A comprehensive (and free) guide to the Psychology of Marketing, and how you can use it as a tool to inform your enrollment campaigns 

🙌🏽A simple guide to the principles of Psychology - and how to apply them to your education marketing campaign

Too busy to read the resources? We’ve made our ebooks more accessible by launching (Pod)vertise - an ed marketing-specific podcast!

<a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0n4ViuerZGYv5MOoZlID2r?si=d14ff6f7ff734f6a" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”>Listen on Spotify</a>

Marketers have always been interested in understanding how to influence human behavior.

In fact, many of the earliest marketing textbooks were written by Psychologists who were trying to understand how people made decisions about buying products and services. 

Human behavior has long been a guiding force for marketing, but the growth of Behavioral Psychology as a science has provided a new way to understand and influence it. 

This emerging field of study looks at how human beings behave in response to their environment. This can include social interactions, cultural influences, and situational factors. Behavioral Psychologists aim to uncover unconscious actions or processes by observing conscious behaviors and using this information to (somewhat) predict future actions. 

Behavioral psychology's applications are wide-ranging across all industries - even more so when applied to education marketing.

Is this the future of education marketing?

<a href="https://www.pink-orange.co.uk/blog/behaviourial-psychology-and-education-marketing" class="finsweet-edvertise-cta" target=“_blank”> Read more in blog</a>

The Psychology of marketing is a vast field, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to using it effectively. 

That said, there is a lot of overlap between marketing and Psychology.

Many of the ideas we use daily share common ground with Psychological frameworks. Moreover, becoming an expert on Psychology helps us learn more about marketing.

Human beings are creatures of habits, and whatever you build good habits regularly makes you happy as per the famous quote "Happiness is a habit".

The psychology behind it is that your brain is dependent on external sources to feel pleasure. 

Once your brain is programmed to expect these pleasures, the best way to achieve this happy state is by doing certain actions associated with these pleasures, especially those that have been done often in the past. 

This essentially results in building a routine or a habit by triggering Behavior Routine Theory. Behavioral science and various scientific studies have shown that humans make more conscious decisions based on emotions rather than logic.

Now for the good part - how it all fits together to create a seamless puzzle, each piece representing an option backed by science, just waiting for the ed marketer to build.

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Until next time,

Your Pink Orange Team

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